immigration consultant bonds, bonds, surety bonds
Prior to engaging in the business or acting in the capacity of an immigration consultant, a person must obtain a $100,000 bond from a corporate surety (admitted to do business in California) and file a copy of the bond with the Secretary of State's office, along with the Immigration Consultant Disclosure (pdf~56KB) form. In addition, a person engaging in the business or acting in the capacity of an immigration consultant must satisfactorily pass a background check conducted by the Secretary of State.
Please refer to the Immigration Consultant Check List for the requirements to register with the Secretary of State as an immigration consultant.
A renewal or continuation of an immigration consultant surety bond must be filed with the Secretary of State prior to the expiration of the surety bond. If the renewal or continuation is not filed with the Secretary of State prior to the expiration of the surety bond, the person covered by the bond may not engage in the business or act in the capacity of an immigration consultant until he or she again has complied with all of the qualification requirements, including the submission of a new surety bond, disclosure statement, and the passing of a background check. Surety bond continuation certificates or similar documents purporting to renew surety bonds that are received after the expiration of the applicable surety bond will be returned unfiled.
A person will also be disqualified from acting as an immigration consultant for any of the following reasons:
Please contact the California Department of Justice if you need specific information about your arrest(s) or conviction(s).